*Polite notice: We do not carry out general plumbing repairs, emergency plumbing, AGA or cooker repairs or repairs to domestic gas boilers. We recommend your boiler manufacturer if you are experiencing problems.

Welcome to our page on boiler installation in Huddersfield. We are currently the premium installer of Viessmann products in the Huddersfield and Wakefield areas. We do not aim for volume, we aim for quality.
We are proud to offer a clean efficient and effective service to our customers. We offer our judgement as engineers on the products we wish to install and in todays market Viessmann boiler are the best boilers available in the U. K in our professional opinion. To that end we will only install Viessmann boilers on natural gas and LPG heating systems we spec. The oil boiler market is slightly different in the U.K and some of the best boilers are made a little closer to home. We will Spec. Warmflow oil boilers on all oil fired heating systems that we spec.
Why viessmann?
We choose Viessmann based on the engineering and design of the appliances. We urge our customers to read into Viessmann products instead of just taking our word for it. Other manufacturers like Worcester Bosch, Vaillant, Baxi etc in our opinion have been complacent over the last decade and have not kept up with the technology available within the combustion industry. Saying that, these brands are now developing appliances that are of the equivelent efficiency standards as Viessmann products in regards to combustion but they are all still beaten hands down on the quality of the main heat exchangers within the appliances themselves.
The cost of installation of boilers can vary hugely from property to property. Every job is bespoke installation can start from as little as £1200 - 10's of thousands. To be fair to you and to get the most out of your boiler or/and heating system please call us for a quote.
Change of thinking needed!
Time and time again we go in to houses and find that the heating system has been left un maintained or it has been used and used and used until it eventually gives up. Your boiler is the heat engine of your home. It delivers you heat when you are cold and it delivers warm water when you want to be clean. It is worth the investment. We continually find that customers have spent 1000s on a new kitchen or bathroom and built around the old boiler to then find that it needs replacing. This is not cost effecive and definately not the most conveinient way of doing things for yourself. Hold off on the fancy kitchen or bathroom and put your money into a reliable and well engineered heating and hot water system.
Boiler Installation Huddersfield
Boiler Installs Huddersfield
German Engineered Appliances
All types of heating installed
Installation prices from £1200
Quick and efficient Installations